Las Viudas de Los Jueves (Thursday’s Widows) is a Mexican Netflix Original drama thriller miniseries that follows five seemingly-perfect affluent families who live in the imaginary upscale enclave Los Altos de las Cascadas, roughly an hour outside of Mexico City. But when Teresa (Irene Azuela) returns home one day to find her husband and two of his pals dead, the upmarket neighbourhood is left reeling as dark secrets emerge in the aftermath of this not-so-accidental incident.
Las Viudas de Los Jueves premiered on Netflix on September 14, 2023.
Mayra Hermosillo as Lala De La Luna
Irene Azuela as Tere Scaglia
Sofía Sisniega as Carla Maldonado
Omar Chaparro as Tano Scaglia
Zuria Vega as Mariana Andrade
Sasha González as Ramona Andrade
Cassandra Ciangherotti as Mavi Guevara
Alfonso Bassave as Gustavo Maldonado
Pablo Cruz as Martín de la Luna
Juan Pablo Medina as Ronie Guevara
Gerardo Trejoluna as Ernesto Andrade
Diego Bernal as Juandi Guevara